7 Tips for Getting Back Into a Healthy Routine After Summer Break

With the summer winding down and the new school year starting, it’s important to think about what your daily wellness routine will look like now that your kids are back in school. Once you dive into your summer routine with full force, it can be hard to switch gears as schedules change and after-school activities start in September. Fortunately, we’ve got a handful of tips to share with you so that you can enter the fall season like a wellness champ. Let’s get to it!


7 Tips for Getting Back Into a Healthy Routine After Summer Break

  1. While packing healthy lunches for your kids, pack a healthy lunch for yourself.
    Often, we pack our kids’ lunches and forget to pack our own. The biggest disservice you can do to your workday productivity and motivation is deprive yourself of lunch because you didn’t have time to make one or eat something unhealthy because it’s your only option.

    Each morning, remember to pack yourself a healthy lunch along with your children. By doing so, you prioritize your own health at the same time as your family’s and you don’t leave your empty stomach in the dust come noon!

  2. Schedule your workouts for the week ahead of time.
    It’s likely that the only way you’ll stick to your workout routine during this busy season is if you schedule your classes and workouts ahead of time. Sign up for classes in advance to help hold yourself accountable. Even if it’s simply a long walk in the early morning, include your workouts in your calendar and make time for your physical health every single day.

  3. Encourage your family to get on a regimented sleep schedule during the week.
    It doesn’t have to be as harsh as “lights out by 8:30pm, everyone!” but maybe you and your partner encourage the entire family to retreat to their bedrooms (without technology, preferably) by 8pm each night to either read or start settling down in some way. By taking at least 30 minutes to wind down at the end of the day, you and your children are likely to get a better night of quality sleep.

  4. Take time to check in with your emotions every morning.
    Before school and work, try doing one thing for yourself (and encourage your children to do the same) that is good for your emotional and mental wellness. This could look like journaling, listening to a podcast, reading a book, meditating or listening to calming music. It doesn’t have to be a half-hour activity, but taking at least 10 minutes to do something that will positively influence the day ahead is worth it.

  5. Sit down for dinner as a family at least once a week.
    Because schedules quickly become full and after-school activities consume multiple weeknight evenings, it can be hard to get the whole family together for meals. To combat this, dedicate one night a week to family dinner. This means everyone is at the table together! Even if you’ve ordered takeout, getting the family to sit down with each other creates a more positive home environment and helps everyone stay on the same page.

  6. Check in with one another (and yourself).
    The best way to stay in-the-know with your partner and children is to be involved with their everyday lives from the beginning. It’s not necessary to inquire about every single thing going on each day, but it’s important to ask intentional questions like “What was something great that happened today?” or “How are you feeling about your new teacher?” Asking meaningful questions starts conversations and helps you better understand where your children and partner are at emotionally.

    Of course, don’t forget to check in with yourself too! If you feel yourself slipping into a weird headspace, go for a walk outdoors, call a best friend, schedule a massage or practice self-care in another way. Your emotional wellness should come first!

  7. Encourage socialization and time spent with close friends.
    As human beings, we are meant for connection! This doesn’t only include family but friends and partners as well. If your children are not very social, encourage them to spend time with their friends either on the weekends or once during the week. Having close friendships is important for development and self-esteem. Also encourage your partner to spend time with his or her close friends; and don’t forget to make time for your own as well!

We know that activities, homework and events get in the way of routine, but by taking some of the above tips into consideration, maybe you’ll find that living a healthy lifestyle during the busy school year isn’t as hard as you thought!

Nest Health Connections

Nest Health Connections is a corporate wellness company revolutionizing health and happiness in the workplace. We create holistic customized wellness programs for employers and their employees.